
Buy liposuction cannulas for the best plastic surgery results

If you’re a plastic surgeon whose mission is to deliver the best results inside the operating room, you know they stem from your instruments. When it comes to fat removal and body contouring procedures, the integral role is taken on by lipo cannulas. These precision instruments are the backbone of effective, scar-free surgeries performed on the face, thighs, buttocks, breasts, abdomen, and other areas the patient wants to improve aesthetically.

Depending on the amount of subcutaneous fat to be extracted and the area to be treated, various types of liposuction cannulas for sale are available. From delicate touch-ups in the facial zone to comprehensive transformations, Grey Medical has it all to enable you to perform surgeries and leave your patients satisfied.

Matching lipo cannulas to your expertise

The range of procedures that liposuction cannulas are integral to is as diverse as the needs of your patients. Our selection includes cannulas for targeted body contouring, quick large-volume fat removal, and intricate facial procedures. With these reusable tools, achieving precision in body transformation is a cinch.


Grey Medical liposuction cannulas for sale come in a number of tip types and size classifications, allowing you to fine-tune your surgical approach. Whether it’s a blunt extractor for smoother transitions, a specialized tip for enhanced fluid aspiration, or a microcannula for delicate work with a laser, you can find it here as a ready-to-ship or ready-to-produce option:

  • All cannulas can be shipped within 4 days as long as they are in stock.
  • Your preferred cannulas can be made within 1-4 weeks if unavailable. 

Select the required diameter and configuration of your micro- or macrocannula. Function-wise, we have Mercedes, Spiral, Spatula, Basket, and other options.

Perform surgeries with finesse

Grey Medical is known for its finest-quality autoclavable and reusable liposuction cannulas at prices that never exceed the healthcare industry average. Crafted from durable stainless steel, they are great for enduring performance in any clinical setting and for all body contouring procedures. But even if the fat removal process doesn’t go as planned due to your cannula, you can claim a warranty for every instrument purchased from Grey Medical.

Our cannulas hold the key to disrupting, extracting, and carrying subcutaneous fat without additional scarring risks. Choose Grey Medical to add these instruments to your liposuction needles and pumps and take your plastic surgery results to the next level!